Niecy Blues
Exit Simulation
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11111 2:31
2The Nite B4 2:57
3U Care 6:07
4Violently Rooted 3:50
5Exit Simulation 3:51
6Exits 1:42
7Soma 5:15
8Messages From Above 0:54
9Lament 2:12
10Violently Rooted Reprise 1:44
11The Architect 3:41
12Analysis Paralysis 3:48
13Cascade 3:09

South Carolina singer and producer Niecy Blues describes her songwriting process like an undertow: »I feel a strange pull, and let it carry me, following swirling leaves… whole days roll by, forgetting about the body.« Their full-length debut, »Exit Simulation«, captures this sense of deep-rooted divination, cycling between simmering ballads, ghosted R&B, downtempo gospel, and looped vocal improvisations – often within the same track. The title is taken from a science fiction novel she read during the purgatory of the pandemic, alluding to a dimensional ideation of departure – »the permission to imagine leaving.«