Jan Jelinek
faitiche edition no.2
concerts on tape
Edition of 200 copies
Pre-Order: Available on / around Apr 18th 2025
Incl. VAT plus shipping / Orders from outside the EU are exempt from VAT
1Side A (excerpt)
2Side B (excerpt)

Jan Jelinek plays The Carpenters, concert by Jan Jelinek for four loudspeakers, 20th July 2022 at Uferstudio 1, Berlin.

For this live performance, Jelinek used a sample from the song “ ** ** ****” by The Carpenters. Towards the end of the 1st half, the original source sample emerges from the dense arrangement of processed loops and reveals its identity, a moment that recalls awakening from deep hypnosis. The 2nd half of the performance zooms in further on the source material, leading to a complete dissolution of any referentiality.

faitiche edition is a series of concerts on tape cassette. The recordings are NOT available digitally. Buyers/owners of the tape can send a photo of their cassette by email to info@faitiche.de (Subject: “das digitale Konzert”) to receive a Bandcamp download code free of charge.

The concert was part of “TetraTon - A concert evening in quadraphonic”. The same evening, there was also a concert by Liz Allbee & Sabine Ercklentz entitled “Close-Up”. The event received support from the Initiative Neue Musik Berlin.

sound recording: Jan Jelinek
drawings: Vincent Klingelhöfer
photo: Udo Siegfriedt
layout: Tim Tetzner